“To make a tax-deductible gift* that supports the Gamma Iota Chapter through the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, in the section “I want to make my gift through….” please note “Other”. Then, designate the Gamma Iota Educational Housing Fund in the pop up. Your specific designation will ensure that your gift supports charitable and educational activities for Gamma Iota, including the support of future building projects. Your specific designation will ensure that your gift supports charitable and educational activities for Gamma Iota, including the support of future building projects. 

*The Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt organization under Code Section 501(c)(3).  Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. Gifts to this fund will be used to fund charitable and educational activities for the benefit of the Gamma Iota chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, specifically including the support of qualifying capital building projects and project-related expenses that promote the desired atmosphere for academic study.

For more information about providing a leading gift, naming opportunities, or estate planning, please email fundraising@ufadpialum.com

To make a gift to the Gamma Iota Alumnae Association, please use the form and Make a Donation button below. Please note, gifts to the Association are not tax-deductible.“