About the GIAA

Combining the strong bonds of Alpha Delta Pi sisterhood with an unwavering dedication to the University of Florida has created a special group of women with a proud tradition—Gamma Iotas.

As alumnae of the University of Florida chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, we think we have something unique. The Gamma Iota Alumnae Association rekindles the bonds that tie us to each other and to provide support to the chapter, ensuring that nearly seven decades of sisterhood and tradition continue.

Members receive a quarterly newsletter with highlights about alumnae sisterhood events, regional and virtual gatherings, philanthropic opportunities, chapter accomplishments, updates from the House Corporation, and more. GIAA members are also invited to special events throughout the year for alumnae and have opportunities to serve the chapter, the GIAA, and the House Corporation. Check our 75th Anniversary Celebration Reunion plans here.

Learn more about membership levels and how join the Gamma Iota Alumnae Association at ufadpialumnae.com/join.