What Alpha Delta Pi Means To Me
We invite you to watch this brief video in which a few of our Gamma Iota sisters talk about their Alpha Delta Pi experience at the University of Florida.
Why I Gave to the Building on Excellence Campaign
Lois Wilhelm Appleby '58
Honorary Co-chair of the
Building on Excellence Campaign
Lois Wilhelm Appleby, ‘58 has made a $500,000 charitable remainder trust gift to the Building on Excellence campaign, and an additional $500,000 charitable remainder trust gift for Chapter scholarships. See the video about her gift here.
I felt I wanted to repay Alpha Delta Pi for what it did for me… My hope for the next generation of Alpha Delta Pi is that they will have a life as special as mine was with ADPi and also they will have a very successful life thereafter as a result of the wonderful experiences they’ve had.
The Judy Hathcock Family
Heather (Delta Theta), '13
Hailee, '15, Hope, '18 and Judy, ‘21
In making their leadership gift, Judy said "We are passionate about ADPi and are excited to name a special part of the new ADPi home.” Judy has been very active in supporting the Chapter and served on the Building on Excellence Parents Committee. The Hathcock ladies (L-R): Hailee, Judy, Heather and Hope.
Girls’ Weekend group is composed of women from several different pledge classes in the 1980's.
Girls’ Weekend named the Fishbowl; and the Lion Room Fireplace in memory of Shelly Jackson Browne, ’85, Dawn Rogers Palavecino, ‘82. They have gotten together for a trip every year since their graduation, with adventures in New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C., Nashville, Napa Valley, the British Virgin Islands, and many other places. Stacey Hallberg Reilly ('84), Chapter President in the '85-'86 academic year, is one of the alumnae involved in this band of sisters, and she thought it would be fitting for their group to do something in support of Gamma Iota's new home.
The Chapter was so much a part of our past and as a group, we believe in paying it forward. All of us are so very grateful for the sisterhood we share and the lifetime of friendship that all started in the Pi House. We wanted to do something that honored our loyalty to each other and to the future generations of Gamma Iotas.
Susan Kennedy Curtis, ‘91
with daughter
Ava Charlotte Curtis, 9
I’ve given to the Building on Excellence campaign in honor of how much ADPi has given to me… in memory of the times spent at the house with my sisters… to educate and inspire my children to give to organizations that shape them… and to carry out ADPi’s motto, We Live for Each Other and for Alpha Delta Pi! I’ve contributed specifically to naming the President’s Room and the Florida Blue Key alumnae naming of the Servery because ADPi is where I first leaned valuable lessons about leadership, which helped form my career and life choices.
Ellen Fanizzi Dalton '84, and
Mary Fanizzi Krystoff, '80
Sisters Ellen Fanizzi Dalton ('84, left) and Mary Fanizzi Krystoff ('80, right) were among the first to contribute to Gamma Iota's new home by naming a Quiet Study Room in memory of their sister Christine Fanizzi.
Ellen: Mary and I both felt strongly about giving back to ADPi for bringing us even closer together and to connecting us to our chosen sisters and lifelong friends. Though I never lived there, I always knew that the ADPi house was my "home base" of safety, acceptance and loving friends. And, while we funded the Quiet Study room, I was also happy to participate in funding the Fishbowl with my Girls’ Weekend group. I would encourage others to reach out to their pledge class or their "besties" back in the day and give what you can as a group. As we say, "We live for each other and for Alpha Delta Pi." Make it matter ... give generously and make it fun!
Mary: Alpha Delta Pi was my home away from home while at UF. It was a place where I was comfortable and could call each and every member my sister, the ADPi house was a joy and comfort and a place to be with family. As an adult I appreciate my sorority as I have made lifelong friendships and many amazing memories. When the opportunity arose we decided to honor our beloved sister Christine who passed away with a naming gift and no better place than the study room for all to enjoy.
It’s our legacy. It’s our home. We as alumnae should strive to provide the best we can for future generations of sisters. Like our founders before us, we can provide a new foundation for many generations of sisters. Let’s all do what we can with this amazing effort.
Kathy Amick Cardwell, ‘67 and
Lohse Barten Beeland, ‘67
Kathy Amick Cardwell contributed toward the naming of the Lion Fountain by the Orlando Area Alumnae and toward the naming of the Dining Porch by the Pledge Class of ‘67
Seeing the Building on Excellence campaign move steadily towards our $1.5 million goal, I wanted to do my share while maximizing my gift. When I was a financial advisor, I helped clients make tax-free gifts from their IRAs. Now that I am older than 70 ½, I can do the same. Every dollar of my gift goes directly to the Gamma Iota campaign via the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation for our new home for our sisterhood. And the friendships from my college years are priceless… and have lasted over 50 years!
Kathy Amick Cardwell, Gamma Iota, ‘67
Lohse Barten Beeland named Bedroom #6, made a gift toward the naming of the Servery by the Florida Blue Key sisters and the Dining Porch by the Pledge Class of ‘67
The friendships I made in those four short years have lasted a lifetime. Naming Room #6 in honor of roommates Kathy Amick Cardwell and in memory of Dorothy “Alice” Mason, ‘69 was a very small way to acknowledge how dear were to me then, they have been over the years, and are to me now.
Lyda Brown Sorgini, ‘78 and
Kathleen Sorgini Parrott, ‘07
Lyda Brown Sorgini, ’78 and her daughter Kathleen Sorgini Parrott, ’07 named Bedroom #16. Lyda with her daughters on the swing… Kathleen is on the left.
ADPi shaped me into the woman that I am today, and I am forever grateful. ADPi was my home away from home when I was in college, and I find that it still is today. When I spend time with the lifelong friends I made through ADPi, I feel at home.
I wanted to give back to ADPi in hopes that future generations have the opportunity to join the ADPi sisterhood, meet incredible women, form everlasting friendships, create lifelong memories, learn invaluable life lessons, become their best selves, and develop & grow into stellar young women who are ready to conquer the world. I am so grateful to ADPi not only for the friendships I made, but also for all that I learned during my four years as an active member.
Serena Underwood Hair, ‘96 and son Corbin, 8
in 2018
Serena Underwood Hair contributed toward the Naming of the Servery by the Florida Blue Key Sisters
The little white house on the corner was such a big part of my college years and always felt like home. Having a small part in making the new house a reality keeps my heart in touch with that special spot on the other side of the country from where I live now. I can’t wait to sit on the new porch swing when I bring my boys back to Gainesville.
Liz Nord Pierce, ’77,
Maruchi Azorin, ‘72 and
Ann Farish Hall, ’73
Ann Farish Hall and Maruchi Azorin made a joint gift toward naming Bedroom #5, where as room mates, they shared many happy memories.
When I pledged ADPi, little did I know it would be a life changing event, and is still meaningful, even today. I felt it was the least I could do, giving a donation for building a new house.
ADPi at UF made the two of us lifelong friends, as I am sure many future sisters living in Room 5 will also be as well.
Katie Seashole Pressly, ‘66
Katie Seashole Pressly '66 (center with scarf at dedication of the UF softball complex, which she named) contributed to naming Room #8 in memory of Ilse Hegen, ‘68.
The ADPi house was truly my home away from home which provided the foundation to build lifelong friendships loaded with incredible memories. I was blessed and proud to be an ADPi and loved seeing the gorgeous new home.
Nicole Trueblood Chapman, ‘02 with mother, Suzanne Trueblood, Gamma Gamma, ‘74 and daughter Katherine Anne
Nicole Trueblood Chapman has made a gift toward the naming of the Front Porch by the Jacksonville Area Alumnae.
Think back to all the memories and friends you made at the house during your time as an active sister in Alpha Delta Pi. Giving to this campaign will allow for future sisters to create memories and lifelong friends. There are many different options for giving, you can donate monthly, like we are doing, to allow it to fit in your family budget. Giving is a personal choice but consider giving to an organization that helped shape you, created wonderful college memories and providing a home away from home during your time at UF.
Cristi Navarro,
Christina Criser Jackson,
and Cindy Terry Harper,
all AC ’02
Cindy Terry Harper, Cristi Navarro, and Christina Criser Jackson (photo on Bid Day ‘05) named Bedroom #18.
Cindy Terry Harper: Cristi, Christina and I chose to support the Building on Excellence Campaign because we want sisters from generations to come to share the special bond we created while living as roommates and sisters in the Gamma Iota house. We have so many fond memories from that experience, and we want to pay it forward!
Cristi Navarro: The sentiment that resonated with me so much during this process was "Don't think as much about how you feel about ADPi now (in 2019.) Think about how it made you feel on Bid Day, or Initiation, or Homecoming." Through this campaign, we're building the future Gamma Iota ADPi, so that those memories can be made for generations to come.
Christina Criser Jackson: Sisters that came before us afforded us a home away from home that allowed us to learn, grow, and develop. I feel blessed to be able to pass that on to future sisters, but I also feel responsible to provide our future sisters a healthy, happy, productive environment to develop into our next generation of leaders.
Jamie Sinnett Evans, ‘67
Jamie Sinnett Evans made a gift toward the naming of the Dining Porch by the Pledge Class of ‘67
As a young college freshman, I still remember how excited I was to have so many friends to talk to and a place I could call home. I support our efforts to give the same experiences to our new sisters in the years ahead.
Kiri Hooper Helmick
Claire, 6,
Anna Kate, 9, Emelia, 4
Donor Lee Bassett Helmick, ’74 made a gift in honor of Lee Bassett Helmick '74, Ann Helmick Mattison ‘98, and Kiri Hooper Helmick ‘00.
My ADPi sisters were really important to me early in my time at UF with helping to make new friends and understand this challenging world I had entered as an 18 year old from a small town in central FL. The house became my home away from home and I was grateful to have a place to belong with people I liked and admired. I have a grateful heart for the experiences and opportunities ADPi afforded me and the people I love. I want other young women to have that safe, happy and supportive place that meant so much to me in my early years at UF and I am happy to make my gift to help toward that goal.
Building on Excellence Campaign Co-chair
Elizabeth Giordano Mackie, ’00
Campaign Co-chair and Donor Elizabeth Giordano Mackie named the Mail Room with her mother, Ruth Taylor Giordano, ‘76
ADPi touched my life and that of many that I care for deeply. I made one of the larger single contributions I have made because I see a huge opportunity to secure a legacy that has been so strong and that has helped develop many generations of women at the University of Florida. I also understand how great the need currently is to provide for our Chapter today.
Virginia “Pep” Michie Culpepper, ‘61 and
Sharon Sites Pesek, ‘61
Virginia “Pep” Michie Culpepper, ‘61 and Sharon Sites Pesek, ‘61 contributed to the naming of the Interior Balcony by the Pledge Classes of ‘60 - ‘64. Pep Culpepper also made a gift toward the naming of the Servery by the Florida Blue Key sisters.
Pep: ADPI has been 'The tie that binds'... a lifetime of friendship. The ultimate goal of giving is the desire to provide girls the opportunities sorority membership offers them.
Sharon: I owe so much to ADPi, it was so instrumental in shaping my life. Since I was from Gainesville, living in the house gave me that “going off to school” experience and I made many friendships that have lasted my whole life. My dear pledge sister, Pep Culpepper, fixed me up on a blind date with my husband of 55 years, and I will be forever grateful to her for that. We have remained friends to this day and we both share a deep appreciation for the friendships and memories we got from our days with Gamma Iota. Other sisters like Peggy Kirkpatrick and Becky Brown were influential in getting me involved with student activities, which enriched my college experience. The sorority gave me such a sense of belonging and was like a second family for those wonderful college years. I will never forget the fun and good times I had and I hope my contribution will add to the current sisters’ college experience. The new house is a dream come true and I’m happy I could contribute to it.
Building on Excellence Campaign Co-chair Andrea Rottensteiner Webb, ‘01
I had such a wonderful experience at ADPi and made lifelong friends. Being able to live in the house, eat dinners with the entire chapter and have chapter together in the house made such a difference in my on-campus experience. It really felt like a home away from home! It created a bond with the sisters that kept the sisterhood strong. Having 3 boys, I can only hope that they meet a nice ADPi one day to marry - preferably a Gator! I am grateful that I was able to help contribute to the new house and give the experience that I had to our newer sisters so they can enjoy the bonds of living together and again have everyone in the house at the same time.